Delta squad scorch
Delta squad scorch

delta squad scorch

It's literally just a dude who has a hard time getting to the enemy and sticking to them but when he is able to just one shots squishies without MR.


I guess both a con and pro would be that he is unique meaning his playstyle is very hard to get used to even if he is mechanically simple but its a style of play only he has, so maybe it will speak to you. Using Sanguine Pool or Tides of Blood early can net you a death in a trade pretty easy. You have long cooldowns with abilities that take your hp. I would like to go into more detail but you pretty much can't.

delta squad scorch

Similar to his strengths, his weaknesses are also simple. However I will note that vladimir can lean into his pro's at the cost of making his con's worse by taking scaling and going ghost/flash while taking ignite and aery for instance would sacrifice his late game to make his laning more palatable He's a late game sustain heavy teamfighting god of the game that gets counterd currently by Force of Nature and Maw of Malmortius as void doesn't help against them Vladimir's strengths are pretty cut and dry. Dont get me wrong shes broken as fuck right now so its a bit doomed but as a matchup itself its not terrible Rush boots buy when footwear lands in your inventory and also go aether wisp early if you are going cosmic drive though I'd suggest against it. Tough to fight her in teamfights as usually you just die to her R out of pool so zhonyas isn't a bad buy here. Just scale, can fight on rocketbelt though harvester is fine in this matchup. If she goes phase rush or no ignite this MU is a joke. If its pushing torwards her stand in your wave and bait the e q to pool otherwise just tank it especially post 6 as no pool means she can just r. If she e>q only pool if the wave is pushing torwards you or if you are in the middle of the wave. She will spam q so either walk up and walk back to bait it out or sit on the wave. Any rune setup works but i'd take tp with anything second if you are nervous otherwise any setup works with my preference being ghost flash. New syndra loses early power for late game destruction making it easier for vlad as surviving lane is easier.

Delta squad scorch